On Wednesday the insider gonnaenodaethat posted on GTAForums a message "3pm Scottish time" (11am EDT, 8am PDT).
A huge amount of people visited the website at the specified time, which caused the server to crash. Everyone was waiting for the possible GTA 6 announcement, but nothing happened.
Later one of the administrators Kirsty said that it's time to stop those fake links before everyone gets put in quarantine.
However, he didn't explicitly mention gonnaenodaethat. Maybe he meant all the other fake insiders. Also, gonnaenodaethat wrote just a time, not a specific date. We only know about March 2020. There are still 4 days left.
This whole story could have been planned by Rockstar. They might have wanted to heat up the fans, then make them frustrated and suddenly, when everyone has given up hope, strike with a GTA 6 announcement. Or maybe not. As we already mentioned, Rockstar keeps secrets above all. They don't announce the announcements. Their style is a sudden explosion in the calm.